Maybe We Could Be A Thing
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Maybe We Could Be A Thing

where your vision and our creativity meets

01.Maybe We Could Be A Thing

Your one stop shop
to create communication strategies, processes and productions that stir emotions, conveys passion and drives business.

Maybe We Could Be A Thing' is a business advisory and creative production collective based in Stockholm, Sweden. An umbrella consisting of a tight core team, acting as both strategic consultants, and as a hands on one stop shop agency with many years of experience from film, events and the processes behind producing true content to grow both your internal and external brand.

02. About

The elevator pitch

With both feet planted in communication and strategy, but with one sturdy leg in film production and the other in events, learnings and entertainment, we create powerful narratives and events that fosters curiosity, drive change, help transform the way your brand is perceived and inspire action. Sometimes these two legs are intertwined, dancing together, forming a strong collaborative bond that enables us to move swiftly in productions, but they also function separately, with their own clear procedures and goals - all depending on your specific needs.

We are dedicated to elevating brands with captivating storytelling and learnings that back your core values, key messages and offers, making sure you live your brand and walk the talk. And we create events and event processes that take advantage of your own competences to make you a part of the event, instead of just being an account in the ’Big-E industry’.

That’s the business. But at our core, it’s really all about the people. We make our decisions with peoples wellbeing and growth as a priority. We challenge and question chosen truths and convictions and share our knowledge and passion. Just like you want to do. And we’ve never missed a deadline.

Simply put, ’Maybe We Could Be A Thing’, is your one stop shop for helping you create and produce strategic brand building content and communication that start from within and radiate outwards. We have the skills and experience to solve a lot and create what you need in your production by ourselves. Scale it down so to speak. But we also have the rollerdecks filled with project managers from all fields, an excellent network of creatives, handy people and a bunch of really skilled tech providers - to build you the solid temporary organization you need for your production. Scaling up as large as you want it. Because sometimes size matters.

Do you want you own talk show? And what would you fill it with - for 6 hours? We've done it. On a global scale. In fact, we even scaled it up to be 9 different shows. Simultaneously. And we filled them all with both strategic content and entertainment that kept the entire Klarna glued to their screens. But that's almost bragging. And we don't do that. What we do do is find your needs, and create strategic content - films and events that both suit your needs - and fit your budget.

That's the short written elevator pitch, but…

03. About

Run it like an agency

Give us 30 minutes in a meeting - tell us what your specific needs are - and we can talk about what storytelling really is, and how it can create a narrative around you and your business that’s not only essential, but holds the key to breaking through todays digital noise. Or we can tell you a little about how we started up Klarna's global internal event team, transforming a small group of inexperienced people into a swift and efficient moving event production team, and the event process and clear structure we created to launch two of the biggest events during the pandemic. Taking advantage of everything Klarna already knew and did – PR, marketing, internal communication, employer branding and social media.

Regardless of which projects would be possible to do together, or in what way your scale is tipping - scale up, or down - we are certain we can provide you with precision service right where you might need it in your process. So that you can start securing strong content - that communicates who you are - from the inside - with an agency's delivery quality.

But it all starts with a meeting. Book it here.

Amongst our clients, past and present, you find brands such as: Avoki, Klarna, LKAB, Netlight, Swedbank, EQT, ICA, Scania, AFA Försäkring, Coca Cola, Scania, Oriola, Söderberg & partners and Sandvik.

04. The Core

The Storyteller and The Strategist

The creative duo behind ’Maybe We Could Be A Thing’ is Strategic Producer Anna "Sho Mourou" Mourou and Storyteller/Director Martin "Krajan" Krajewski (Click the links to learn more about them). They have worked together for many years on various big productions before joining forces. Where Anna stands behind the processes of creating and producing events, Krajan takes lead on storytelling, film production and content creation.


Together they share a strong passion for communication, not only as a means of driving business, but to inspire, transfer knowledge, increase understanding and drive change. They also share a coaching background and use those abilities to both understand you better, but also perhaps to ask the questions that other agencies don’t.

5.The Core

Let's be a thing

We figure it goes like this... If you take a couple of solution oriented creative minds with a passion for people, storytelling and communication, add their vast experience, good dependable networks, solid track and delivery records, throw in a couple of awards, and you put them in the same room... well, you get a thing. A good thing.

The name Maybe We Could Be A Thing derives from an aspiration to form personal relationships with you as our client. We like personal. And up close. We want to be a thing - with you. So let us get BFF tight with you and form a partnership where your vision and our creativity meet, setting new standards for your communication and building lasting brand loyalty.

It sounds like both the beginning and the ending of a beautiful fairytale, doesn't it? Well, that's storytelling at its best.
But every friendship starts with curiousity. And a meeting.

Let's be A Thing.
Book a discovery call and let's schedule a meeting.

If you are curious and care to know more about our Storytelling process before you book that essential meeting -

06. Three remarkable Offers - swipe

The questions you should be asking
Empty heading.

book a discovery call
and start a meaningfull conversation

06. Get in touch

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